JustMilk is a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) California nonprofit public charity. Support JustMilk's work through donations, connections, and sharing the word!

If you would like to reach us, please send an email to contactus@justmilk.org. We welcome questions, comments, and collaboration opportunities.




Donations make it possible for us to continue developing the device, hire new research and outreach staff, and conduct key acceptability studies and clinical research to prepare for the launch of the device. In the future, your donation will support device distribution to breastfeeding mothers and their infants. Donate to the non-profit through PayPal by clicking below!  


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If you purchase items with Amazon, use smile.amazon.com (try the smile always Chrome extension to make this automatic) and choose JustMilk as your charity; Amazon will donate a portion of your payment to our cause!


spread the word

Tell your family and friends about the JustMilk project! Find us on Facebook and Twitter: